Volume 9, Issue 2 (10-2011)                   RSMT 2011, 9(2): 79-93 | Back to browse issues page

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The norm of bioenergetics characteristics of elite and advanced male and female Iranian Badminton players. RSMT 2011; 9 (2) :79-93
URL: http://jsmt.khu.ac.ir/article-1-111-en.html
Abstract:   (5768 Views)

The purpose of this study was to collect the norm of bio-energetic
characteristics of male and female elite and advanced Badminton players in
Iran based on gender differences. This is a descriptive research of the kind of
normative survey. Statistical population of the research includes all elite and
advanced male and female Badminton players in Iran during 2010 including 128
elite and advanced players, 64 male (mean age 19.92 + 3.4 yr. height 176.53 +
6.13 cm, weight 70.46 + 6.77 kg and competitive experience 9.27 + 2.68 yr) and
64 females (mean age 17.00 + 2.4 yr, height 163.90 + 5.87 cm, weight 56.18 +
5.75 kg and competitive experience 6.27 + 1.55 yr). The statistical sample was
equal to the statistical population. Regarding the specific characteristics and
demands of Badminton, aerobic power, alactic anaerobic power and lactic
anaerobic power were measured. Also based on the distribution of the obtained
scores, frequency tables and percentage points of the players were drawn
based on gender differences in order to collect the related norms, using spss-15
software. Then according to the percentage norm and Likert scale, players'
performance was classified. One sample t test was applied to compare bioenergetic
characteristics of national and world elite Badminton players. The
results of this study indicated that the average aerobic power of Iranian male
and female elite and advanced badminton players, respectively 55/16 and 44/05
ml/kg.min are significantly lower than the values for world male and female elite
badminton players which are 63 and 50 ml/kg.min (p  0.01). also, the average
of sergeant vertical height of Iranian male and female elite and advanced
badminton players accounting for 63 and 48 centimeters are again significantly
lower than the reported values for world male and female elite badminton
players as 75 and 56 centimeters (p  0.01) but lactic anaerobic power of male
and female Iranian elite and advanced badminton players was in a goodsituation. The results of study highlight an urge to review and pay more
attention to designing professional practices in order to improve and develop
the aforementioned factors.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2016/08/31 | Accepted: 2016/08/31 | Published: 2016/08/31

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